All tagged SEO

Rand Fishkin: "Start Me Up”

What if your plan for 2020 included launching a new (very cool) Audience Intelligence platform, just as the world unexpectedly changed under a pandemic? In this Season 4 opening episode, we welcome back Rand Fishkin, founder of Moz and co-founder of the new SparkToro, to discuss how SparkToro found innovative ways to not only launch a new product during 2020 but also help people and other businesses on a variety of levels in the process. Bonus: hear Rand’s top 3 ideas for what marketers should be doing right now during this crisis.

Rand Fishkin: "Humble and Kind”

Rand Fishkin has dramatically opened up the field of SEO for the average marketer as the founder of Moz. Now he tells Melinda about co-founding SparkToro (in beta now) and his recent book shedding light on what it’s really like to be a founder. Plus, enjoy Rand’s candor as he describes what he believes makes for a healthy corporate environment (hint: see the title of this episode).