Howard Rheingold: "People Got to Be Free”

Howard Rheingold: "People Got to Be Free”


This Week's Guest: Howard Rheingold

Photo Credit: Chris Michel

Photo Credit: Chris Michel


“Where minds meet technology” is the overarching theme of this fascinating dive with modern-day prophet Howard Rheingold. Along with others like Doug Engelbart, Stewart Brand, and Alan Kay, he has been predicting how technology and humanity intersect since the 60s. Howard coined the term “virtual community” and served as Editor for the Whole Earth Catalog, which he calls, “a touchstone of the belief that we could improve things,” in addition to writing several books, teaching, speaking, and generally thinking in ways others don’t.

We explore two mind-boggling offshoots of this theme: 1) how do psychedelics play into the history of the conception of the internet, digital media, and virtual reality and 2) how are humans responding, as a society, to the technological advances we now enjoy?’

If you’re not sure what the Whole Earth catalog is, or who Engelbart was, or why you should care about how a network connecting all humans was conceived, just know that the late 60s was a time when everything was in upheaval, but just enough people responded with optimism, mind-blowing ideas, and, with help from a little well-placed LSD, the seeds of what would grow into our current technological reality.

And when Howard answers a question, get ready to jump into historically-rich rabbit holes and emerge with a list of books to buy and mid-century thinkers to read about.

Show Notes


Howard in 1965 at Reed College

Howard in 1965 at Reed College

More About Our Guest

Independent Instigator & Observer

Howard Rheingold is a writer, speaker, and teacher, known for his specialties on the cultural, social and political implications of modern communication media such as the Internet, mobile telephony and virtual communities (a term he is credited with inventing).

Musical Inspiration For This Episode From Our Playlist

Aurélie Pols: "Hope For the Future”

Aurélie Pols: "Hope For the Future”

Jacqueline Harper: "Shining Star”

Jacqueline Harper: "Shining Star”